New Buttons

Featured Buttons

The world-wide greatest offer of buttons on the Internet

Nearly 10,000 different buttons available at once

Our range of products is fashionable, up-to-date, and always in full vogue. You can find here all sorts of high-quality buttons in all common materials and for every field of application. We sell mother-of-pearl and wooden buttons as well as solid metal and plastic buttons. Looking for something special in horn or leather? You will find it here! Whether you want to give a blouse or a traditional costume a particular touch – we have the right buttons! We offer a rich choice in theme buttons for carnival, summer, and Christmas. There is hardly any motif we do not have in our range. Iron-on motifs/applications complete the offer.

Every single button meets highest quality demands

In a unique way we offer our customers directly through the Internet an ultra-fashionable range of buttons that is permanently updated and considers the latest trends. We do not sell remnants or shelf-warmers. Our products are from the current production of renowned manufacturers. They comply with the Öko-Tex-Standard 100 (Eco-Tex-Standard 100). The buttons are colourfast, mainly machine-washable, and dry-cleanable.

At “” you can buy buttons without being limited to minimum quantities

Every piece can be delivered individually – the tailor-made offer for private and commercial use! Whether housewife, female/male amateur tailor, handywoman/handyman, or professional – in our shop you are always on the right track! We will carry out your order for buttons quickly, promptly, and reliably. Inform yourself online. Visit the “Button-Boutique”! Enjoy your online shopping experience.