novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: gelb - No. 341310

novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: gelb - No. 341310

novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: grün - No. 341309

novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: grün - No. 341309

novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: orange - No. 341311

novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: orange - No. 341311

novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: gelb - No. 341310

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washable-dry cleanable
novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: gelb - washable-dry cleanable
More Information
Size in mm 28
Button number 17283
Description novelity button excavator with shank - Size: 28mm - Color: gelb - washable-dry cleanable